En honor a mi padre quien fuera un hombre honesto, muy amoroso, servicial y el mejor padre que se puede tener en una familia.
In honor of my father who was an honest man, very loving,
helpful and the best father you can have in a family.
Este año mi vida cambió, el 25 de
febrero estando de viaje encontrándome en los Estados Unidos me avisaron que a
mi papá le había dado un derrame y lo habían llevado de urgencia al hospital.
Fue una noche muy amarga estando tan lejos y sintiendo la inclemencia de
sentirme impotente. Regresé a Panamá al día siguiente, Domingo de Carnaval.
This year my life changed, on February 25, when I was in
the United States, I was informed that my father had had a stroke and had been
rushed to the hospital. It was a very bitter night being so far away and
feeling the inclemency of feeling helpless. I returned to Panama the next day, Carnival
Empezó para nosotros un vía crucis:
para mi mamá, para mi, para mi hermano, la familia. Pasaron unos días y llegó
uno de los momentos más difíciles que nunca pensé me tocaría vivir. Nunca había
experimentado en mi corazón la desolación que sentí aquel momento. El doctor me llamó para hablar en privado y
decirme que la situación de mi papá no iba a mejorar y que debíamos estar
preparados para lo peor. No tengo
palabras para explicar como me sentí aquel momento, me preguntaba por qué el
doctor había elegido hablar conmigo, acaso el no se daba cuenta que aunque
aparentemente estaba fuerte, por dentro estaba en mil pedazos.
It began for us a via crucis: for my mother, for me, for
my brother, for the family. A few days passed and one of the most difficult
moments came, that I never thought I would live. I had never experienced in my
heart the desolation I felt at that moment. The doctor called me to speak in
private and tell me that my father's situation was not going to improve and
that we should be prepared for the worst. I have no words to explain how I felt
that moment, I wondered why the doctor had chosen to talk to me, maybe he did
not realize that although I was apparently strong, inside I was in a thousand
Me correspondió hablar con mi mamá para
prepararla, nunca la había visto llorar así, luego llamé a mi hermano que vive
en los Estados Unidos y le dije que tenía que venir a Panamá lo antes posible. Mi hermano llegó tres días después, pudo ver a
mi papá y mi papá puedo ver a él.
It was my turn to speak to my mother to prepare her, I
had never seen her cry like this, then I called my brother who lives in the
United States and told him that he had to come to Panama as soon as possible.
My brother arrived three days later, he could see my dad and my dad could see
Dos días después, las cosas se
complicaron, tal como lo habían anunciado los médicos, tuvimos que tomar decisiones muy difíciles
como trasladar a mi papá a otra unidad y autorizar que le colocarán equipos
especiales sin garantía de mejoría.
Two days later, things got complicated, as doctors had
announced, we had to make very difficult decisions, such as moving my dad to another
unit and authorizing the doctors to put
special equipment with no guarantee of improvement.
El viernes 10 de marzo de 2017, a la
una de la madrugada, mi papá falleció.
Me llamaron inmediatamente y me dijeron
que tenía que ir al hospital urgentemente, no me podían dar información por
teléfono. Mi esposo me acompañó, en el
camino de la casa al hospital no dijimos una sola palabra, en mi mente yo sabía
lo que me iban a decir, pero en mi corazón guardaba una esperanza de que no
fuera eso. Al llegar la doctora hizo un resumen
cronológico de las complicaciones de mi padre, ya yo sabía como iba a terminar
su relato, agarré fuertemente la mano de mi esposo esperando a que la doctora
disparara esa bala que iba a ir directo a mi corazón y allí se iba quedar por
siempre. Pedí ver el cuerpo de mi papá
por última vez para despedirme, darle las gracias y pedirle perdón por
cualquier falta que hubiera podido cometer.
On Friday, March 10, 2017, at one o'clock in the morning,
my father died.
They called me immediately and told me that I had to go to the hospital urgently, they could not give me information over the phone. My husband accompanied me, on the way from home to the hospital we did not say a single word, in my mind I knew what they were going to tell me, but in my heart I hoped it was not that. Upon arriving the doctor made a chronological summary of the complications of my father, and I knew, I tightly grasped my husband's hand waiting for the doctor to fire that bullet that was going directly to my heart and there it will stay forever. I asked to see my dad's body for the last time to say goodbye, thank him, and apologize for any fault I might have committed.
They called me immediately and told me that I had to go to the hospital urgently, they could not give me information over the phone. My husband accompanied me, on the way from home to the hospital we did not say a single word, in my mind I knew what they were going to tell me, but in my heart I hoped it was not that. Upon arriving the doctor made a chronological summary of the complications of my father, and I knew, I tightly grasped my husband's hand waiting for the doctor to fire that bullet that was going directly to my heart and there it will stay forever. I asked to see my dad's body for the last time to say goodbye, thank him, and apologize for any fault I might have committed.
Ese día por la mañana tuve otro momento
muy difícil, me correspondió darle la noticia a mi hermano y a mi mamá,
posteriormente al resto de la familia, así como a mi hijo quien a sus casi
cinco años quería mucho a su abuelo. Mi papá fue un hombre justo, trabajador,
de buen corazón, de quien podemos sentirnos orgullosos porque no creyó nunca en
el juega vivo y nunca se valió de él, como mencioné en mi discurso en el
funeral. Era muy honrado, mi papá fue un hombre muy amoroso para su esposa y
para sus hijos a quienes protegió toda su vida, así como para su nieto Gabriel
quien cada noche lo recuerda al rezar sus oraciones antes de dormir.
That day in the morning I had another very difficult
time, it was my responsibility to tell the news to my brother and my mother,
later to the rest of the family, as well as to my son who, in his almost five
years, loved his grandfather very much. My dad was a fair man, hard-working,
kind-hearted man, whom we can be proud of because he never believed in “juega
vivo” and never took advantage of it, as I mentioned in my speech during
the funeral. He was very honored, my
father was a very loving man for his wife and for his children whom he
protected throughout his life, as well as for his grandson Gabriel who every
night remembers him praying his prayers before bed.
Han pasado unos meses y la ausencia de
mi papá duele igual que el primer día; sin duda toda la vida va a ser un pedazo
de mi corazón que no está. Te voy a recordar por siempre papá, te voy a
extrañar, sé que estás en un lugar mejor, sé que desde allá nos sigues cuidando
y algún día volveremos a encontrarnos.
Few months have passed and my father's absence hurts just
like the first day; No doubt my whole life is going to be a piece of my heart
that I have lost. I'm going to remember you forever, Dad, I'm going to miss you, I
know you're in a better place, I know that from there you're still taking care
of us and one day we'll meet again.
Doy gracias a Dios por la Fé que me
sostiene y me da fuerzas para superar el dolor. Desde que supe que mi padre
estaba irremediablemente mal, he rezado infinitamente el rosario de la Divina
Misericordia primero al lado de su cama mientras sostenía su mano rogando por
su mejoría, luego rogando a Jesús que no lo desamparará en el camino que iba a
I thank God for the Faith that sustains me and gives me
the strength to overcome the pain. Since I knew that my father was hopelessly
bad, I have prayed infinitely the rosary of Divine Mercy first at the side of
his bed while holding his hand praying for his improvement, then praying to Jesus
that he will not forsake him in the way he was going to undertake.
Por armarme tanto de valor, me he
endurecido tanto, que aún aguardo por ese momento en que pueda llorar tanto y
tan fuerte, para sacar esa piedra que tengo por dentro.
For arming me of courage, I have hardened myself so much,
that I still wait for that moment when I can cry so much and so hard, to get
that big stone that I have inside.
Te quiero mucho papá… te extraño.
I love you so much dad ... I miss you.
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